Safeguarding Team
Safeguarding Team
Safeguarding Team (ID 1275)
Mrs J TurnerDSL & Safeguarding Lead
Mrs J Turner
Mr K RafiqExecutive Principal
Mr K Rafiq
Mrs C EastwoodDeputy DSL / Family Liaison
Mrs C Eastwood
Mr S HillaryPrincipal
Mr S Hillary
Mrs WardSENCo
Mrs Ward
Miss A DubickasVice Principal
Miss A Dubickas
Mr G MajorAssistant Principal
Mr G Major
All staff, including temporary staff, volunteers and Governors are provided with the Academy's child protection guidelines and policy and are informed of the Academy's child protection arrangements on induction.
All staff share an objective to help keep children and young people safe by contributing to:
• Providing a safe environment for children and young people to learn and develop in our Academy setting.
• Identifying children and young people who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm and taking appropriate action with the aim of making sure they are kept safe both at home and in our Academy setting.
• Providing a stimulating, enriching curriculum that promotes health and wellbeing and enables children to know how to keep safe and manage risk.
All staff, including temporary staff and governors at Park Lane Academy undertake training on safeguarding children that enables them to fulfill their responsibilities in respect of child protection effectively. The training is refreshed on a regular basis to keep staff knowledge and skills up to date.