Park Lane Academy


Pathways Booklet 2024

Introduction to the Pathways Process

Park Lane Academy offers a rich and deep curriculum which combines a rigorous focus on acquiring important knowledge in a variety of subject disciplines, developing key skills, along with participation in an exciting range of activities, both within lessons and in extra-curricular time. As you will be aware, there is a core curriculum for all students which includes: English Language; English Literature; Maths; Science; History or Geography; Religious Education and Core Physical Education. The core subjects develop key skills, which provide the essential foundations upon which other disciplines build student knowledge and understanding in specialist areas.

In addition your child has the opportunity to study a diverse and exciting range of optional courses across Key Stage 4 that are delivered by well qualified, experienced staff at the Academy. The Academy offers a dynamic, innovative and motivational curriculum which engages students and allows them to achieve their full potential.

Students are able to study a wide range of GCSEs and a small number of the vocational qualifications as part of the Academy’s options programme, details of which are provided in this booklet. At Park Lane Academy staff and parents/carers work together to promote the education and well-being of every student whatever their ability.

Choosing options can be a daunting task for a student. There are a wide range of subjects to choose from and you need to know that what you choose will suit you in terms of how it is assessed and their style of delivery as well as the course content. In order to ensure you are properly supported and guided to make a choice which will enable you to achieve the very best of your ability, Park Lane Academy provides a challenge for students of all abilities.


Assessment-Levels of Qualification and Progress

Assessment and Levels of Qualification

As you may be aware, all GCSE subjects are now graded 9-1, as shown in the table below. Vocational qualifications are awarded Distinction, Merit or Pass. A level 2 pass is equivalent to a GCSE grade 4. For vocational qualifications, all students study towards a Level 2 qualification, but in the event of that standard not being reached, a Level 1 can be awarded.

Examinations - All subjects are taught with some form of examination at the end of the year in which they are studied. This means that core subjects are examined at the end of Year 11 while option subjects are examined at the end of the year in which they are studied, two in each of Years 10 and 11. This enables our students to focus on completing two of their GCSEs in Year 10, freeing them to choose a further two GCSE subjects in Year 11.

Table of 9-1/Grade Equivalents

New grading structure

Former grading structure
























A grade 4 is a ‘standard pass’ and a grade 5 a ‘good pass’.  Further information can be found as follows:

DfE New GCSEs Grading


Curriculum Structure and Setting

Our curriculum model is based on a two-week timetable, where students will follow a different schedule of lessons in week B compared with week A. There are fifty, one-hour lessons each over the two-week cycle where students are given the opportunity to study 4 options qualifications over 2 years. This curriculum model provides students with enhanced option choices and a timetable that fully supports their learning as each subject is taught regularly over the two-week cycle.

The curriculum in year 10 is as follows:


The curriculum in year 11 is as follows:


Tracking progress

Throughout the courses, students are expected to complete internal assessments. These are moderated and used to track progress. Parents will receive a progress update at least twice a year and have an opportunity to formally discuss progress at an annual Parents Evening. Parents can also contact the school to discuss progress
via Mrs Schofield - Head of Year. Similarly, the Academy will
contact parents where there are concerns regarding progress or to celebrate achievement. 


Performance Measures

All qualifications offered through our new curriculum carry awards that count towards student’s GCSE tally. These awards also count towards the requirements for entry to Post-16 study, apprenticeships, or other training.

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc)

The English Baccalaureate is not a stand-alone qualification, it involves students studying 5 core GCSE subjects and gaining at least a Grade 5 in all those subjects. When your child applies to college or university, they will be able to write on their application that they gained the English Baccalaureate.

All students will study English, Mathematics and Science. Should students wish to complete the EBacc they will be required to study French and a Humanities subject (Geography or History) during Years 10 and 11.

Whilst the EBacc is not a compulsory subject, studies have shown that studying subjects included in the EBacc provides students with greater opportunities in further education and increases the likelihood that a student will stay on in full-time education. Sutton Trust research reveals that studying the EBacc can help a young person’s performance in English and Mathematics.

We strongly recommend that students who have targets between 6 and 9 take the English Baccalaureate pathway.


Key Stage 4 Curriculum Model

Options RED Pathway AMBER Pathway ATTAIN Pathway
Examined Examined Examined
English Language English Language English Language
English Literature English Literature English Literature
Maths Maths Maths
Sciences Separate Sciences Trilogy Science Trilogy Science
MFL French N/A N/A


OPTION A: Humanities Option













EBACC or BTEC/ Vocational

Art, Craft and Design





Hospitality & Catering


Creative iMedia

Business Enterprise

Health & Social Care

Travel & Tourism

Art, Craft and Design





Hospitality & Catering


Creative iMedia

Business Enterprise

Health & Social Care

Travel & Tourism

Art, Craft and Design




Hospitality & Catering


Creative iMedia

Business Enterprise

Health & Social Care

Travel & Tourism


Qualifications = 9


Qualifications = 9


Qualifications = 7

Non-Examined Non-Examined Non-Examined
Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education
Religious Education Religious Education Religious Education

BTEC Courses

BTEC qualifications have been in place for over 25 years and are extremely successful and popular courses.

The key difference in BTEC subjects is that much of the assessment is coursework. Student’s work will form a portfolio which will then be graded. This can help students organise their workload throughout the year rather than being assessed only at the end of the course.  

All BTEC courses are offered as a Level 2 qualification.

The grades given will be:

All BTEC courses form a firm foundation for progression to college and work.  Employers and colleges are familiar with the benefits of BTEC qualifications:

All BTEC courses form a firm foundation for progression to college and work. Employers and colleges are familiar with the benefits of BTEC qualifications:

  • For employers, BTEC qualifications show that pupils can organise their own workload.
  • Most colleges offer a range of BTEC qualifications at Level 2 and 3. This allows students to continue studying a subject when they leave school. Studying a BTEC qualification at school will therefore allow students to become familiar with the college assessment process.
  • Universities accept BTEC Level 3 as an entry requirement for several degree level courses.  

Progress 8 Required Choices

Every student’s progress is measured based upon performance in a suite of eight subjects. We will therefore require students to choose options according to this Progress 8 measure by choosing at least one from Geography, History and French.


Making Choices

Please read the details of course requirements, assessment arrangements and the work covered carefully before deciding which subjects you would like to select.

We ask that you make a choice of 4 subjects in order of preference and indicate these on the form at the back of this booklet. We will do our best to award these choices for Year 10. Please note that you are welcome to include notes on the form if you have a specific request, however the Academy reserves the right to have the final decision on which subject is available when.

All technology subjects are limited to 20 students per group for reasons of health and safety.


Key Stage 4 Subjects


Art, Craft and Design BTEC Tech Award in Sport Business and Enterprise Citizenship Combined Sciences Creative Media English Language English Literature Geography Health and Social Care History Hospitality and Catering Mathematics MFL: French Photography Separate Sciences Travel and Tourism