Park Lane Academy

Careers and Apprenticeships

CEIAG Policy CEIAG Provider Access

Mr J Rudge
Careers Leader - 01422 362215


Mr Ben Burgin

Careers Advisor 


The Skills Gap Trend Report



UCAS NCS Apprenticeships C & K My Directions Local Universities C & K Impact of Guidance Unifrog PLA Destinations Post 16 Options Provider Access




The academy is committed to ensuring that each and every one of our students leaves us with the skills and attributes required to take their place in the world of work and further education. We are fully compliant with statutory guidance, and the following are embedded in our practice:

  • Students have the opportunity to access independent careers guidance (yr8-11)
  • Our policy statement on provider access enables opportunities for students to learn from providers about approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships (yr8-11)
  • Provider visits are made available to all students in the relevant year group
  • Independent careers guidance provided is presented in an impartial manner, showing no bias or favouritism towards a particular institution, education or work option, and includes information on the full range of education or training options, including apprenticeships and technical education routes (yr10-11)
  • Where pupils have EHC plans, their annual reviews include a focus on adulthood, including employment (yr8-11)

The academy takes the views of stakeholders seriously, and every opportunity is used to seek feedback. Views of parents were collated at the recent year 11 Parents' Evening, and feedback is sought from students for all educational and career based visits. 

Careers Programme


Our aim is to improve the life chances of our students to enable them to become the leaders of tomorrow. Our CEIAG provision provide our students with opportunities to learn, demonstrate and evidence their employability character, enabling them to evolve successfully to take their next steps into employment or further study.

We prepare learners for future success in education, employment or training by providing unbiased information to all about potential next steps; high quality, up-to-date and locally relevant careers guidance and opportunities for good quality meaningful encounters with the world of work.

Learner access to 1:1 (level 6) impartial Personal Careers Guidance supports progression into the setting which is right for them.


We recognise the most effective way to deliver careers education is to embed it within core teaching and learning activities, supported by a co-curriculum programme of activities. Any centrally delivered careers activities will aim to support curriculum delivery rather than provide a stand-alone careers education programme.


Successful careers education and guidance is reflected in NEET data.


Information for Parents

My Directions for Parents & Carers

Directions Booklet

What is CEIAG and why is it important?

CEIAG means Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance, more important than ever in today’s complex jobs market.

How does CEIAG affect school-age students?

Having quality information means that students can make informed choices about the kind of career path to follow. With up-to-date advice and guidance, Moor End Academy students go on to fill a wide variety of college and apprenticeship places.

Key Careers staff

Mr J Rudge - Careers Lead - 

Ben Burgess - Careers Advisor - 

Parents’ Evenings

  • Showing an interest in your child’s education is one of the most powerfully positive things you can do as a parent of a school-aged child.
  • All year groups have one parents’ evening a year, except Y11, who have two.
  • Text message reminders are sent out to parents in advance of a parents’ evening.
  • Letters are also sent out, usually via students.
  • If you are unable to attend a parents’ evening and would like feedback about your child’s progress, please contact the Head of Year for your child’s year, who will be happy to help.

Heads of Year

Miss L Berry - Head of Y11
Mrs Schofield - Head of  Y10
Mr B Traviss - Head of  Y9
Miss K Liley - Head of  Y8
Miss L Steele - Head of Y7

Parents' Evenings 2024-2025

Year 7 - 20 March 2025
Year 8 - 12 June 2025
Year 9 - 6 March 2025
Year 10 - 30 January 2025
Year 11  - 9 January 2025

Information for Students


Information for Employers

 We welcome opportunities to be involved with employers: if you would like more information please contact

Mr J Rudge on 01422 362215

Apprenticeships information for Employers

C&K My Directions

We have launched ‘Chat’, a new service from C&K My Directions for 13-24 year olds and their parents. Whilst students have contact details for our Careers Advisor this new service ensures that there is always someone at the other end of the phone, including out of hours.

Whether it’s your future, college, apprenticeships, your options or something else... You can get information, advice, support and guidance on the phone by speaking to a C+K adviser via the C+K Chat service. Advisers can help with your next steps including:

· choosing subjects in Year 8 or Year 9

· exploring post-16 or post-18 options

· applications to sixth form or college

· applications for jobs and apprenticeships

· writing a CV

· information about different courses, careers and qualifications.

You can contact a C+K careers adviser via the Chat service, Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm. There are lots of ways to contact the Chat service:

· call: 01484 213856

· email:

· or use our Facebook messenger service:


 Our Careers Advisor

Ben Burgess is our Careers Advisor employed by C&K My Directions - who offers:

  • impartial advice and guidance for our students to help them make informed post-16 education and careers choices. 
  • a drop-in service for any student at break or lunch time. Please see Mr Rudge for an appointment,
  • working with students in Years 9 -11 to provides impartial information, advice and guidance relating to careers
  • help to students on career planning
  • signposting to a range of support services aimed at young people
  • intensive support for Year 11, to ensure they are aware of all post-16 options
  • impartial advice and guidance for students and their families at various key events throughout the school year, such as parents' evenings and Year 8 GCSE Options Evening.


If you have any questions, or can’t find what you are looking for, please feel free to contact the Careers Advisor to make an appointment by ringing on the school number - 01484 01422 362215.

Careers Newsletters



Useful Links


24/7 personal careers platform

Explore real-life career videos by job type or subject 

Up-to-date information on the West Yorkshire job market


National Careers Service
Advice from the National Careers Service

Match your skills and personality to 400+ job profiles.

BBC Bitesize Careers
Advice from the BBC




Local Colleges

Most colleges offer bursaries to students in certain circumstances, usually those whose family are in receipt of benefits. Students are encouraged to apply for bursaries when they first enrol.

Creative and Media Studio School
Greenhead College
Huddersfield New College
Kirklees College
View Kirklees College virtual open day videos here

Quality in Careers Standard

Quality in Careers