Safeguarding children from extremism
Prevent duty guidance: for England and Wales (accessible) - GOV.UK (
Prevent is one element of the Government’s Counter Terrorism Strategy. All schools have duty to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and or violent extremism; this duty is known as the Prevent Duty.
The Prevent Strategy aims to prevent people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Institutions including schools and academies have a statutory duty to address the risk of any form of radicalisation and extremism.
Park Lane Academy staff and the Governors complete Prevent Training and/or WRAP (Working to Raise Awareness of Prevent) training on a bi-annual basis.
Our curriculum ensures our students have the opportunity to explore and discuss many challenges the world faces, including radicalisation and extremism. At Park Lane Academy, we encourage our students to think critically and explore ideas in a safe environment. We encourage our students to develop the skills, confidence and understanding to develop self-esteem and make a full and active contribution to society.
Tackling online extremism
Education can be a powerful tool, equipping young people with the knowledge, skills and reflex to think for themselves, to challenge and to debate; and giving young people the opportunity to learn about different cultures and faiths and, to gain an understanding of the values we share. Exploring ideas, developing a sense of identity and forming views are a normal part of growing up.
Park Lane can support young people in this: providing a safe environment for discussing controversial issues and helping young people to understand how they can influence and participate in decision-making. We encourage our students to express their views but also to appreciate the impact their views can have on others, to take responsibility for their actions and to understand that the use of violence to further any cause is criminal.
We also need to recognise that, young people can be exposed to extremist influences or prejudiced views, particular those via the Internet and other social media. Our purpose is to to protect our students from harm and to ensure that they are taught in a way that is consistent with the law and our values.
Awareness of Prevent and the risks it is intended to address are key elements within our safeguarding responsibilities. Staff will be vigilant, identifying and making referrals where appropriate to the relevant agencies, and the school will work with the local safeguarding board to monitor and support any potentially vulnerable pupils.
The accompanying policy and procedures are created in partnership with Calderdale Safeguarding Children Board and seek to create an atmosphere within the school where students feel safe and able to talk freely, believing they will be listened to and valued. Consequently our overall purpose is to safeguard and promote the welfare of the students in our care.
Schools and academies across the region are supporting a new e-safety campaign to tackle online extremism and help keep children and young people safe.
The internet and social media provide opportunities for those with extreme views to target young or vulnerable individuals.
Communities have an important part to play and you can anonymously report illegal terrorist information, pictures or videos you have found on the internet.
If you would like to report extremist content you’ve seen online you can do
so by clicking the button on the right.
If you have any queries, please contact Calderdale Prevent Community Reference Group (CPCRG)
Tel: 07702656834
ease contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Justine Turner at the Academy.