Homework Expectations
Sometimes revision activities may be set.
Home learning booklets may be provided for some subjects as well as the use of online learning platforms such as SparxMaths, SparxReader, SparxScience, Seneca and GCSEpod. You will be sent email reminders when homework is due.
Park Lane will be adopting a ‘flipped learning’ strategy whereby home learning is based on preparatory work in advance of lessons. Half termly knowledge organisers (documents detailing the content of the curriculum in each subject) will be sent home in a home learning pack, along with commonly misspelled words and related tasks (in our drive to improve literacy and to increase vocabulary).
Key Stage 4 (Years 10 - 11)
Home learning tasks will be focussed on the consolidation and extension of learning in the classroom. Subject curriculum rationale will state the frequency and type of home learning task which will be given and this will be appropriate to the subject/topic being studied.
In addition, Sam Learning and Century Tech is available to all students which is a tool that can be used to revise, motivate, consolidate and extend learning. This will be promoted throughout the Academy to encourage independent learning skills.
We recognise the vital role that parents and carers play in the education of their child. We strongly believe in the value of a good home-school partnership, of which our homework reflects.
Homework is a key opportunity to extend and consolidate students’ learning and further build on skills developed during lesson time.
As part of our aim to diminish the gaps in reading ages, where homework is not set in class, the expectation is for students to focus on reading within the subject area.
Reading should be completed in at least thirty minute blocks three times a week.
In addition, every student has access to an Office 365 account, which enables free access to a variety of software and email. Students are encouraged to access any resources from here independently to complete learning and/or extend learning.
Educational research suggests the impact of homework on learning is consistently positive, on average adding five months of progress if successfully integrated into the curriculum.