Park Lane Academy

Religious Education



Subject Content


·         Christianity

·         Sikhism




·         Knowledge & Understanding of Christianity and Islam

·         Beliefs

·         Practices

·         Source of authority

Background/Extended Learning




Growing up Christian Karl Graustein

Live Sadie Robertson

What is Christianity? Dennis M Doyle

The kids book of world religions Jennifer Glossop John Mantha


Year 8


Subject Content 


·         Islam

·         Judaism

KS3 Fundamental Skills



Knowledge & Understanding of Islam and Judaism

·         The influence of individuals

·         The influence of communities

·         The influence of societies

Background/Extended Learning





Islam for teens Syahadat and Beriman

The Illustrated Guide to Judaism Dan Cohn-Sherbok

Eyewitness Judaism DK books

The kids book of world religions Jennifer Glossop John Mantha


Year 9


Subject Content 



·         Hinduism

·         Buddhism

·         Ethics and Philosophy

KS3 Fundamental Skills



Knowledge & Understanding of all religions

·         Similarity and differences

·         Difference between religion and beliefs

Background/Extended Learning





Hinduism for kids Shalu Sharma

Life skills for Hindu teens Sat guru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

The kids book of world religions Jennifer Glossp John Mantha

Children’s book of Philosophy Sarah Tomley

Introducing Ethics Dave Robinson and Chris Garratt

The Philosophy Book Will Buckingham

Buddha in your backpack Franz Metcalf

Life skills for Hindu teens Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

Guru Nanak and Sikhism Rajinder Singh Panesar 

Hinduism for kids Shalu SHarama


Key Stage 4

Course Name 

Edexcel RE spec B Short course

Exam Board 


Assessment Detail


Paper 1: Religion and ethics (Christianity) 50%

Paper 2: Religion, Peace and Conflict (Islam) 50%

Web Link to  specification 


Subject Content 

Religious belief, marriage and the family (Christianity)

Religious belief, crime and punishment (Islam)  

Skills Taught






Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of religion and belief, including: AO1

  • Beliefs, practices and sources of authority
  • Influence on individuals, communities and societies
  • Similarities and differences within and/or between religions and
  • Beliefs.

Analyse and evaluate aspects of religion and belief, including their

Significance and influence. AO2

Background/Extended Learning




The meaning of marriage Timothy Keller

The punishment system in Islam Abdurrahman Al-Maliki