Music development plan summary
Part A: Curriculum music
At Park Lane Academy, pupils study music for one hour per week (two hours per fortnight) in Key Stage 3. Pupils who choose music as an option (BTEC Tech Award in Music Practice) will study music for five hours per fortnight. Our curriculum is informed by the Model Music Curriculum (MMC). Pupils have the opportunity to learn to play and develop on keyboard, ukulele (leading to guitar and bass guitar) and using music technology throughout Yr 7-9. In Yr 7-9 pupils work individually and in pairs to develop as keyboard players. Whole-class ukulele tuition takes place in Yr 7 and Yr 8. Pupils experience whole-class drumming in Yr 8 and pupils work in small groups to combine their keyboard, ukulele (and guitar) percussion (drumming) skills as part of a band. Pupils begin to use simple DAW software (launchpad) to create EDM (electronic dance music) in Yr 8, and develop to using Garageband in increasing depth during Yr 9. Park Lane has strong working partnerships with the other secondary schools in the MAT, working together on curriculum planning, delivery, assessment and extra-curricular activities, including joint concerts and other music-making events. There a currently no KS4 Music groups; pupils be offered the opportunity to study Music in Yr 10 and Yr 11 through the BTEC Tech Award in Music Practice (from September 2025).
Part B: Co-curricular music (music tuition and extra-curricular music)
At Park Lane, pupils have the opportunity to join the choir, which rehearses twice a week and takes part in performances within and outside of the Academy. The choir has a successful record in local singing competitions. Instrumental lessons are offered on brass instruments and guitar. These are free to pupils, and are delivered by Mr Dalton and Miss Moore. Pupils can also borrow instruments from the Academy to practice at home (this is free). There is also a brass group and a rock bands where pupils can practice as part of an ensemble.
Part C: Musical events and performances.
Pupils in Yr 7 will attend a concert at the end of the Autumn term, featuring performances by pupils from Park Lane (and other Trust secondary academies) showcasing their classroom work (ukuleles, bands, solo or pair performance work), extra-curricular clubs and pupils who have instrumental lessons in school and privately. Pupils who choose to take part in the Academy choir will have the opportunity to participate in performance trips to other schools and in local concerts in Halifax. Pupils in Yr 7 will attend a concert at the end of the Autumn term, featuring performances by pupils showcasing their classroom work (ukuleles, bands, solo or pair performance work), extra-curricular clubs and pupils who have instrumental lessons in school and privately. This is done alongside other academies in the Trust. All pupils and parents will be invited to a Summer concert in July, again showcasing high-quality music which takes place both in and out of lessons. This concert is free to pupils and parents. Pupils can take part in a range of trips to perform outside of the Academy. These include performing for the residents in local care homes, at our feeder primary schools and in joint concerts at other secondary schools in the Trust.
In the future
We hope to increase the availability and range of instruments available as part of our co-curricular music offer, as well as the number of extra-curricular clubs available. We also aim to increase the amount of performance opportunities available to pupils, through performances in assembly and in our feeder schools as part of the transition process.