Park Lane Academy

Careers Curriculum

During their time at Park Lane Academy students experience an exciting careers curriculum that supports them through their education to the world of work. Information and guidance on careers and enterprise are delivered that ensure the school meets its responsibilities under the government’s Gatsby Career Benchmarks. 

The Academy has a resident Careers Adviser, provided by the Calderdale and Kirklees Careers Service, who is available for all students to speak to about career options and provides independent advice and guidance to students. 

The Academy ensures that there is an opportunity for a range of education and training providers to access all pupils in Year 7 to Year 11 for the purpose of informing them about approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships.

We ensure all pupils at the academy are provided with the option for independent careers guidance from Year 7 to Year 11. 

Topics covered in Years 7 - 11 include: Financial capability: making decision and looking after money, Personal Finance, The World of Work, Careers Advice and Guidance & Employability Skills, Career Identity, Business and Enterprise, In the work place: employment patterns, rights and responsibilities.  



Careers Activities by Year group:

Year 7: Students are introduced to enterprise and careers activities in a number of ways and develop skills to help them think about managing a budget and working together as a team. In their Enrichment lessons they develop Life Skills that include money management. We aim to prepare our students to become as independent as possible and age-appropriate life skills are an essential part of building confidence, knowledge, skills which can support students in later life. This course encourages our students to become creative, successful and happy individuals. 

Year 8: Students develop Business & Financial Literacy through their Enrichment lesson. Research shows that children and young people who report having had some financial education at school are more likely to save up frequently, have a bank account, and be confident managing their money. Through the course students learn to use appropriate tools to manage a personal budget, make informed financial decisions, demonstrate numeracy skills, including the ability to manipulate financial and other numerical data (such as calculating the costs of borrowing and spending), communicate basic financial concepts and increase your ability to learn independently.  

Year 9: This an important year for student choices around careers and during this period pupils are supported to ensure they make the most informed decision on GCSE Pathways choices. To help support the Pathway process students are given an information booklet provided by C&K Careers and the PLA Pathways booklet contains information on the careers that are most commonly pursued after studying each subject. Parents and students are also given information on Pathways during the Year 9 Parents’ Evening and a member of C&K Careers staff is available to discuss issues further. 

All pupils at Park Lane Academy receive regular careers information and direction from their form tutors during conversation in form time. This is enhanced during the annual Careers Convention in March, when students have the opportunity to discuss with external visitors from local colleges and businesses. 

In their Enrichment lessons students are involved in an Independent Research programme (Duke of Edinburgh Award) that develops employability skills including organisation, resilience, team work, problem solving and presentation.  

Year 10: Students build on their existing careers and enterprise knowledge and skills and are involved in a number of activities to get themselves ready for the world of work. All students take part in mock interview sessions that are delivered by external employers and have the chance to work with them to polish their CV’s. Pupils receive information on the range of FE and HE options available to them through presentations delivered on degree apprenticeships and studying at university. Students financial literacy is also improved through a workshop delivered by Barclay’s Life Skills in our PDE Drop down afternoons.

Year 11: During the year all students also receive a group interview and a one on one interview from a C&K Careers member of staff to offer guidance and assistance in making post-16 choices. All students and parents receive information about the ‘Get Organised’ event at the Shay, which hosts all major FE and apprenticeship providers in the local area. 

All pupils at Park Lane Academy also receive regular careers information and up to date information on the local labour market through external presentations and events, including Aim Higher, Post 16 Options Fayre and our Careers Convention.